Saturday, August 23, 2008


My Favouratie Cartoon

My favourite cartoon is Pokemon. I like it when I first played it in my game-boy and DS. It is fun because we have to train them and battle other people in the game. We can also battle our friends if they have the same game like us. Pokemon is a game which is to see what is your stathegies.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

My New Best Friends

I have two new best friend. they are Nichcolas and Darren. First I'm going to tell U about Nichcolas. He is very naughty, not so,
and likes to play. He is quiet kind hearted and likes to treat people food for free. Darren is 10 times more different than Nichcolas. He does'nt like to treat people things unless they treat him many times. He has a hot temper boy. He re was very daring, last time, and me and Nichcolas a scarycats, but now, we swap!!!!!!! If we do something he don't like, he will call us names or hit us. He even hit my best friend Nichcolas before! Last time Darren steped on his own glasses and accused Nichcolas responsible for it! Luckly, I saw what happened and Nichcolas was grateful to me. After that Darren did not be my friend because I friend Nichcolas, and Nichcolas did not friend me because I friend Darren. We then got into a conflict. If U don't know what is conflict means, it means argument. Well when Nichcolas leave me, Darren stayed by my side. And Nichcolas were our enemy! A few days later, I asked Nichcolas to be my friend in the music room, our special programe, and he be friend with me. But until today, they still have not be friends yet because Nichcolas told me that only one word can cure it which is ''Sorry'' and he must really mean it. But now, darren have not said sorry to him, so you should know, have not forgive Darren for accused him, and have not told the mother and father about him stepping on his own glasses.