Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother Day

I went to church to pray to God. When it's lesson time, they let us do a present to give our mother.I was happy to hear it as I don't need to buy my mother a persent as I don't need to use my own money. The teacher Gave us some papers and ask us to cut a circle in the photo on our face. Next, we cut a circle on a paper, same size that we cut on our photo. Then, the teacher gave us some paper pattles. we paste them on the picture that we cut. After that, the teacher gave us a magnet we cut the magnet , and we paste it on the paper flower that we made. After that we rest for a while and then the teacher let us play a game. Later I went home. I told my mother' happy mother's day.' then I gave her the present that I made. she was so happy and she gave me a hug. When we went home, she cooked my favoirte dish, soba.I hope this will happen again.